Page name: Lami on the road [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-24 22:25:09
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
# of watchers: 7
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I've always had a taste for travel. Strangely enough, my first time further than Estonia or Sweden was in the summer of 2006, when I went to Edinburgh, Scotland for a week. After that, I've yearned to see the world even more. I've thought about going abroad as an au pair, visiting my Elftown friends... There was just one problem - lack of money. That one trip to Edinburgh was largely sponsored by my older brother and the parents of my ex-boyfriend [NiTessine], with whom I was there. But now that I got a job, I'm hopeful about acquiring enough money to actually go somewhere. I had the idea of ideas inspired by this hope; why not go interrailing? It's cheaper than going by plane or boat, and I get to see a bunch of countries.

If all goes well, I get enough money and nothing else comes up, I can hopefully do this during the summer of 2007.
Now, if you would be so kind as to help me decide where to go. There are many countries in Europe, and I have a month to use. For those who are interested, here is a site with some information about interrailing:
(And yes, the idea of making a wiki came from Firenze's Eurotrip.)

Please note that this whole thing is still a huge 'if' until I get another job that pays reasonably well.

My highly organised plan goes thus: Finland - Sweden - Norway? - Denmark - Germany - Netherlands - Belgium - France - UK - Ireland? - UK? - France - here and there - Latvia - Estonia - Finland


Leave requests here. :3

[someelf] wants Linlin to visit her, in Denmark; Copenhagen. Becauseeee.. I want to glompglomp Linlin and I can hug her ^^ I bet she likes to be hugged, and she can get free food and a warm bed here :) And I'll be showing her whole Copenhagen and beyond if she wanted too :D -smiles- And I'll be here little Elfy :3 Ohh and Knighty would like it too to meet another Elftowner :) -grins- He can't stop me anyhoo >X3 (I think he wouldn't even try either XD) So yush yush, visit me :D Pwease? :3

[Teufelsweib] wants Lami to visit her :3 in the Netherlands that is ;)
though we don't have any sauna's and snow here... >_>
why? because I just want you too! >XP
I could show you whatever place in Holland you want to, since the train is just a few minutes away XD

[sequeena_rae] wants t3h lami to visit her in South Wales. In Neath probably. Just because she wants to corrupt t3h lami ^__________________^

[Sunrose] wants [Teufelsweib] to take you to Sunnies house :P

[Hedda] wants you to stop by Linköping... Or where ever he happens to be when you're going.

[Blasphemy] wants you to come to Michigan, in the US!

Maria Magdelena wants Lami to take her with her when she travels across Europe :P

[BlackDragon] thinks that if you are going to Linköping.. why not come to Norrköping? It is not so far away. =)

Username (or number or email):


2007-01-10 [someelf]: I can't edit ;_;

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Darn. I forgot that. *bops self* Try now. xP

2007-01-10 [someelf]: XD YAY!

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Heee. ^_^ *glomps*

2007-01-10 [someelf]: -grins and slobbers upon- :D

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: *cuddles* :3

2007-01-10 [someelf]: YAY!

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: *snuggles Vorkje*

2007-01-10 [Nita]: There's no Interrail in my corner of Europe... *sighs*

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Awww. :/ *huggle*
If there's a reasonably priced way to get there from Estonia (the boat trips from Finland to Estonia can be ridiculously cheap), I could come there either way. :3

2007-01-10 [Nita]: Well, a bus trip from Tallinn to Riga costs about 16 euros and takes about 5 hours. Buses aren't as cool as trains, of course... :P

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Buses will do fine as well. xD

2007-01-10 [someelf]: Awww! -hugs piccy- :D

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Hee. ^_^

2007-01-10 [someelf]: ^-^!

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Omg corruption. :O

2007-01-10 [someelf]: XD Sarah :P

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: Omg yes x)

2007-01-10 [someelf]: Imma going to glompifie all of you! >:D

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: *GLOMP*

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: ...*hides*

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: *sneaks after Squee and slobbers*

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: Ommmmg!

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Bweehehee. >:D *snuggles* ^_^

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: *purr* *^_^*

2007-01-10 [someelf]: ^___^!

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: we should meet the 4 of us sometime :3 to glomp each other to death XD

2007-01-10 [someelf]: :O! On my wedding day ^-^

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: YEAAHHH!!! :D:D::D

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: Yes! :D

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: omg *dreams* *drools* great idea... and on my wedding aswell!! :D

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: We should have a huge wedding for all of us xD

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: SQUEE, LAMI, ELFY, WILL YOU THREE MARRY ME???? XDXDXD

2007-01-10 [someelf]: o_o;; sure? XD

2007-01-10 [someelf]: Well. I know all three of you are invited to mine -starts to redo her list of invited people- XD

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: yayy!! squee will marry me, just 2 more to go now :P

2007-01-10 [someelf]: XD

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: YES!!!! XD

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: I can't wait til our wedding night *winkwinkwink*

2007-01-10 [someelf]: Yay! :D

2007-01-10 [someelf]: Ooooooh XD

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: Can your caps lock come too? :3

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: I think it would be hard to let my caps lock home in that case :P

2007-01-10 [sequeena_rae]: x) Rawr!

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: can't wait :P

2007-01-10 [someelf]: <img:44166_1164903263.gif>

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: *glomps all of you*

2007-01-10 [someelf]: Eep! -slobbers upon-

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Omg yes! :D *humps Vork*

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: YAAAY!!! 2 people who will marry me!! :D

just... eeelfyyy..???? (A)

2007-01-10 [someelf]: Of course <3

2007-01-10 [Teufelsweib]: YAAYYY!!!!

this is awesome :3 I think I broke a record, one day got 3 people to marry me... ^___^

2007-01-10 [someelf]: X3 -purrs-

2007-01-10 [Linderel]: Bweeee. ^_^
Sunnies! :3 *slobbers*

2007-01-10 [someelf]: -Giggles-

2007-01-11 [Linderel]: Sorry, [Blasphemy], Interrail is a Europe thing. :( The U.S. roadtrip will have to happen at another time as a journey of its own...

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: oh, I just saw the part about request to visit people

2007-01-11 [Linderel]: I just added the Europe part there for clarification. But after this summer, I could start saving for the U.S. trip - it'll take a while, but it'll happen. :)

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: ok well, if you don't mind or anything, I will still have my little dealie on there, support the cause anyway lol

2007-01-11 [Linderel]: Hehe, I don't mind. ^_^ *hugs*

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: *hugs* thanks linny

2007-01-11 [someelf]: Awww ^-¨

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: hello there!

2007-01-11 [someelf]: Hii ^__^!

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: How are you?

2007-01-11 [someelf]: I be okii, and you? :D

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: I am doing alright thank you, so how do you know the linny in question?

2007-01-11 [someelf]: ^-^ That's good, and I know here because she likes to droooool like me :D

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: ahh, I see! I know her because of a poetry wiki we are both administrators on! (I actually made her one of the administrators on it lol) and we have been friends for a while too

2007-01-11 [someelf]: ^-^! That's so cool :D I love poetry :)

2007-01-11 [someelf]: And it was because I watched her house for a while and popped in and such when she was changing it, and then she messaged me suddenly XD I think --bad memory- XD

2007-01-11 [Blasphemy]: lol, it is all good! so what are your hobbies and interest?

2007-01-11 [someelf]: Humn XD

So many :O -blinks- I think the headtopics are photography, art, books, and Eli <3 Ooooh and ET :D


2007-01-11 [Viking]: Hey, does this rail system cross the Atlantic yet?

2007-01-11 [Linderel]: Nope, sorry. I'll be saving for a trip to the U.S. next, though. :P

2007-01-11 [Viking]: Oh well...even if it crossed the ocean, it would come to a screeching halt once it got here. Unless the train can run on a multi-lane highway, anyway.

2007-01-11 [Linderel]: Oh yes, you Americans and your cars. :P

2007-01-12 [someelf]: Awww -hugs Maria- XD

2007-01-12 [Teufelsweib]: hahaha... :P watch out with hugging, she might fall apart! XD

2007-01-12 [someelf]: O.O -hugs carefull- <3<3

2007-01-12 [Teufelsweib]: hihihi!! <3 much better :3

2007-01-12 [someelf]: ^-^ -purrs and nuzzles Maria very carefully-

2007-01-12 [Linderel]: Wheeeee! :D

2007-01-12 [someelf]: ^_^!

2007-01-12 [Linderel]: *glompifies*

2007-01-12 [someelf]: Eep! XD -glompas- :3

2007-01-12 [Linderel]: Blackie! *huggles* (Ummm... I guess you have a new nickname. :P)

2007-01-12 [someelf]: XD

2007-01-12 [Teufelsweib]: :3

2007-01-12 [BlackDragon]: I guess 'Blacky' is me... *hugs back* ^_^
Great idea actually.. You might be the first Elftowner I see in real life. What an honor, eh? =p

2007-01-13 [Hedda]: Kom till Linköping om det inte är så långt hit då! <img:stuff/lampN-gif.gif>

2007-01-13 [Linderel]: Keep with English, pretty please? :3 I can barely understand Swedish, compulsory subject or no. <_<

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: 'Come to Linköping if it's not that far away!'

2007-01-13 [Linderel]: I thought it might be something along those lines. :P

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: I understood the first part, had to use a translator for the latter :P
But I love languages, so you might just want to ignore me :p

2007-01-13 [Linderel]: You're not the only one who loves languages. ^_^
I should try to re-learn both Swedish and German, they're both like gateways to understanding a bunch of other languages... like Dutch. xD

*glompifies Sunnies*

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: Aye, it works the other way around too: Knowing Dutch makes German and Swedish easier.
I wish I knew many many languages, languages baffle me :P
*slobbers back* ^___________^

2007-01-13 [Linderel]: *nod* I can imagine.
Me too. ^_^ I'm absolutely in love with Welsh and Japanese, and I want to know as many languages as I possibly can. :3

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: Me too, but I don't think I ever really will :p
The best time to learn, for the capacity of your brain, is actually before you're +/- 17 years old :P

2007-01-13 [Linderel]: Yeaaaah... <_< But that won't stop me trying. xD
My mom is actually trying to learn Italian now. She's, um, 56? :P

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: I'm not saying it isn't possible, just that it goes easier when you're younger. Especially if you target several languages :P

2007-01-13 [Linderel]: Yeah, I know. :P

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: Which is why I consider myself a hopeless cause :P

2007-01-13 [Linderel]: Awwww. *snuggle*

2007-01-13 [Sunrose]: Hehehe :P

2007-01-13 [BlackDragon]: The creator of Elftown.. I'm afraid that I can't travel to anyone myself, but all who wish to visit me are welcome. If they stand for the travel expense themselves.. *owns around 80 sek at the moment* =P
I've heard that if you already know several languages, another language will be easy to learn.

2007-01-14 [Sunrose]: Depends which you know and which you're trying to learn :P

2007-01-14 [BlackDragon]: I know english, estonian, swedish and I was learning german for 3 years in school. Didn't went so well. Now I've been learning spanish for a half year and I'm better at spanish than I ever was at german. So far as I know german is more related to swedish than spanish is. If you don't know a german word, say it in swedish and try to sound german. Usually works. =p

2007-01-14 [Sunrose]: Spanish is closer to French :)
But if you know Swedish, how come German didn't go so well? :/

2007-01-14 [sequeena_rae]: French and Spanish are practically the same o.O Well, not exactly of course XD Though you can carry off a fairly decent conversation with a Spanish person, I did that once, it was very amusing xD

2007-01-14 [Sunrose]: I keep confusing them when I try to speak, but I can understand a lot of it (Spanish that is). It's fairly easy to learn, as far as I tried ^^'

2007-01-14 [sequeena_rae]: I was planning to learn it when I started my A level in French, but I would have got too confused myself ._. I am such a simple being xD

2007-01-14 [BlackDragon]: The grammar. To learn all that grammar I think you need to have a great memory, or really want to learn german, or both. My memory is not great and I didn't want to learn german. I could only choose between german and french since my school didn't have spanish. I guess that the basics are also important. If I were to learn german again, from the start, I think that I would do a lot better.

2007-01-14 [sequeena_rae]: Mmm, grammar is terrible. I still can't get to grips with French grammar after seven years, it's terrible ._.

2007-01-14 [Linderel]: Once, in comprehensive school English class, we were asked what a certain weekday was in English. I answered, but I managed to confuse the German and English words (as I was learning them both, German as my first foreign language and English the second one) with each other and mangle them together - and ended up with the Swedish word. xD

2007-01-14 [Sunrose]: Cool xD

2007-01-14 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao! XD Poor you :(

Mostly, I do there 'bore da' or 'prynhawn da' (which is the welsh for good morning and good afternoon) whenever I'm mean to say them in French ._. And they're not even alike! Well, Brittanic is nearly the same as Welsh, but that doesn't count XD

2007-01-14 [Linderel]: Well, it happens. Now I'm über at English and suck at German and Swedish. xD

2007-01-15 [Viking]: Oh, it's not just us and our cars. It's also our meddling government and it's lust for building more roads so that companies can get rich.

2007-01-20 [Aikon I]: i wouldn't mind meeting Lami.... but i want sunny there too

2007-07-17 [Sunrose]: She's almost touching Dutch soil :P

2007-07-17 [Teufelsweib]: tomorroooowwww!!! =D

2007-07-17 [Linderel]: Yeeeees :D

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